Friday, May 11, 2007

He's so FUCKIN' smart ....I just realized I dont even stand a chance with her!!!!...

Probabaly I never did!!!...Its a late realization and stupid-old me!!!!!!....But I see her so happy that I feel sad about it!!!



Santanu....... said...

well I am not sayin "I told you"...but thats a part of the game......and Murphy was smart indeed.....

Random Doodler said...

Who, who who? :(
and i bet you're smarter and dont show it!!

dreamy said...

|....I agree..

coffee stain said...

want some advise from dr. love..............................................................

coffee stain said...

@ doodler
you bet he's smarter...he is...... dude's the son o satan.....has to be.....remeber his "smile" the friggin vampire teeth stickin out.... there is only one man who makes this guy look stupid.......... bolte hobe ke??? (wink wink.........)

~Moo-lah Buz!nezzz~ said...

U guys have noooo clue who im talkin about....the guys looks smart...talks smart...behaves smart....he's just a proof what a big dork I am!!!...
Metla....Murphy..?? bring him in this....!!!!
Roy.....Dr love cant help me....I feel like Tobey without his spidey powers!!!..fuck the vampire teeth....for the millionth tellin ya...U aint just the man who makes me look stupid....there are prolly a million others....sigh!!..and for the billionth time...private conversations about me to a single person....not here in my comment log....elsewhere....!!!...:-X
@gini.....he's the man...who just dug a dagger into my heart...U shud have seen him holding her hand....they're sooo much in love...deep sigh!!!....

coffee stain said...

2nd place 2nd place

Random Doodler said...

What-everrrr! She aint worth it then. Thassit.

~Moo-lah Buz!nezzz~ said...

uffff....!!!...too many questions...and less answers!!!

@roy!!....2nd place...sigh!!...Hooteva!

@gini.....she is worth it!!!...every girl is worth for me i beleive....!!!! jaanish naa...the girl is not only smart....she's stunningly beehewiiiteefool!!!!

coffee stain said...

dude so have been the others......."your perspective" either go for the kill.......or die with your hands down your pants watchin startreck........dude.... divinity.......

~Moo-lah Buz!nezzz~ said...

die with my hand in my pants aint tha t bad u know....

coffee stain said...

your hand...... dude no hand shakes from now on!!!!!

~Moo-lah Buz!nezzz~ said...

okk...fuck handshakes..maybe big hugs....
but then not even sharing the same joint???!!!....


coffee stain said...

rubber gloves?

~Moo-lah Buz!nezzz~ said...

that mite work...but why spend on gloves when i can spend on smokes....