Wednesday, January 31, 2007

zzzZZZZzzzz......!!!! ( actually awake !)

“You sleeptalk??? even sleepwalk???!!!..God!..u r a freak!!!!......”

Okk, I do both….walk very rarely…but I do it….and talk…almost everyday!!!!...Well….i really dunno what I talk about. But I do. And im not really concerned about it ..

“its considered to be a sickness..u better do something about it”

ooooo……im ‘scaaaaared’…and im sooo affected and im soo gonna die or something..Bullshit!).
Ohh…I love watching dreams.I think that’s what makes me sleeptalk more…and its not that bad…at least ….its not as gross as people who drool in their sleep….at least im capable of having a normal conversation even in my sleep,unlike other certain nonsense people….at least im more interesting than most people!!!...hahahaha!!!..i live my life through dreams…and I loooooooooowe it!!!!

Okk, miss ..u win! Ive been a dumbfuck…but I don’t wanna lose u….i really like ya… can I have one last chance…just one???? I promise I wont fuck up….. Pweeeeze!!! : -)

And Miss Ab. ….fuck u,seriously!!.. you aint my friend anymore…..ive never felt like this about anyone…the way u have avoided the issue,where I should not be even involved( but ka-ching! I am) ..i feel u are just another high class wannabe bitch!!! please don’t ask me why..!!!!!

And Syriana is too slow a movie …..!


Random Doodler said...

hee hee...u sleeptalk??
psst...i have a feeling i do too, and the funniest thing is im totally aware of it when i do. its crazee...but yeah, what fun!

~Moo-lah Buz!nezzz~ said...

i knowwwww...its crazeeee....even aware of it...but i let myself do it.....and its super fun....:-P