Wednesday, January 17, 2007

Im losing interest in everything ....way too fast.Nothing interests me nowadays,not even money i think.Otherwise i wud have started gambling or something.But whatever,nothing interests me.Im suffering from this 2-minute disinterest syndrome,where im like all ecstatic about a particular thing for about 2 minutes and then it all fades out.I dunno who to blame,but i think ive been having this sickness from my childhood.Like i started with drawing and painting...gave a couple of Part I and II drawing exams and then i stopped it abruptly.And then piano and synthesizer...that lasted for about 3-4 years i think.And then cricket.Table tennis.Poetry..cork collecting... music(yet again)...Killing gross-looking painting...sigh sigh sigh ablah blah blah and sigh sigh sigh and double sigh-s!!!!!...
And i hate it when they question me about my hobbies and interests in interviews...cuz i look like a blank mindfucked assclown then.And then they still say that the world is round...but people like me still fail to beleive that!!!!...
I sooooo wanna travel badly and see the world, before the 2-minute syndrome attacks me again.sigh!

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