I haven't moved here. But it may be better to.
Thursday, September 09, 2010
Friday, May 14, 2010
The Pied piper of Hamelin
And ere three shrill notes the pipe uttered,
You heard as if an army muttered;
And the muttering grew to a grumbling;
And the grumbling grew to a mighty rumbling;
And out of the houses the rats came tumbling.
There was a rustling that seemed like a bustling
Of merry crowds justling at pitching and hustling;
Small feet were pattering, wooden shoes clattering,
Little hands clapping and little tongues chattering,
And, like fowls in a farm-yard when barley is scattering,
Out came the children running.
- The Pied piper of Hamelin,Robert Browning.
Friday, April 23, 2010
So,we lost the football match and the team which defeated us went on much ahead to win the trophy.Should have won,should have won,is what I kept telling myself. But its surprising,how often I keep telling that to myself,nowadays. Of course,I never win. Add the bad luck to it.And I end up not winning quite miserably. Anyways,so the game was quite a sensation back in the good. old jolly days,dominating picnic or late evening family talks.Its strange how quickly we lose kick of things as we suddenly grow old. We were promised a thousand thrills,remember? And we lost it all,just like that.
Years back,M had once told me how confident it felt to take on the world.Stand in front of it and charge.What he didn't tell me was that you always need a backup plan.Plan B.Or maybe a C. Most switch over to plan B and get away with it. With me,its too darn late for a second plan.
There I was like a glass of watermelon juice,standing.Staring.No,orange juice I am.'cuz I've always tried being sarcastic.
This is not a cheerful post.Please ignore.
This time.This time,Ill be making an honest effort to change my blog,write a bit more and bring up more cartoons.Hopefully this blog should move in sometime.Or it might just stay and gather dust,before I clean it up all again.
Who threw up --> ~Moo-lah Buz!nezzz~ at 12:06 AM
Moo-ed to: clipping off the wings of the loch ness monster, low blows
Tuesday, February 23, 2010
Vacuum cleaned,yet again.
Yes,so I did something for the people today and donated that red liquid of mine.
It wasnt really the give-me-blood-and-ill-give-you-freedom propaganda though.They never give you the freedom.They just take the blood and sell it off.Neverever the freedom.Bloody consumerism,to be precise,I think.
But I went for the free food and my friend went to know what his blood group was.We were both dissapointed.
Phew,after all that mental snubbing I do to people,a little good deed like this,doesn't really feel too bad.
I have been taking in a lot of writing assignments and despite the fact that I absolutely detest the SB comic,I pride on the fact that its back with me once again.The reason? It is my first kinda attempt at anything to do with comics on print.And its everything,but fun, creative, gory, sexual, dark,adult. Just perfect,for someone to whom those words mean nothing.Which incidentally reminds me of those millions,no...billions of those Viagra spam mails.And cigarettes.Addictive,but only for kids.
Its often struck me how such comics actually relate to those kids,who appear to be disconnected from the entire concept of childhood.A little bit of what I was.The alone stuttering younger sibling,who quietly played with his gi-joes and chalk,had friends in school,but still preferred to be alone.He reads this shit I churn out and thinks like the way I did about the Ramayan serial,where the guy who acted God Ram became famous as the guy-who-acted-God-Ram.Anyway,so he thinks,two boys and their friends (mostly masculine) running around here and there.g-ay!
Finally when all the dust has been cleared again (umpteenth time) and vacuum cleaned,I need a new look for this blog.